Coronavirus Update
Do you know how to protect yourself from COVID-19 and other diseases? Hand-washing, social distancing and wearing a mask are all important now, but an often overlooked defense is self-health and wellness. A healthy diet, exercise, controlling your blood pressure, weight, and blood sugar, getting enough rest — all of these will help your body fight infections.
During the pandemic, with all its challenges, oral health can be overlooked. Some people have gotten behind on routine dental visits. We are safely open and here to help!
There are things you can do to protect your oral health. Drink plenty of water. Avoid sipping on sugary sodas. If you suck on hard candy or chew gum, use the sugarless kinds. Brush and floss your teeth daily. Schedule your exam and dental cleaning. It is easier to repair a problem when it is small than to wait until it becomes painful and extensive.
We continue to use advanced safety precautions to protect you and ourselves. Because we wear so much personal protective equipment, we had to lower the temperature in our office. When you come for your dental visit, wear layers that will keep you comfortable while you are receiving dental care. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call Michelle at 828-464-4722.
If you are not feeling well or have any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, loss of taste or smell, other flu-like symptoms), or you’ve had contact with a person who is being tested for or has COVID-19, please reschedule your dental appointment.
We appreciate all of you and thank you for the opportunity to provide your dental care.
Take care of yourself!
Dr. Cansler & Team